
Azam Din

ML Engineer, MLOps, Leadership

Experienced ML Engineer, currently leading the MLOps team at a national supermarket bank. I’ve specialised in Python, Docker and AWS, including the Sagemaker ecosystem. I am passionate about engineering robust machine learning and data pipelines, architecting and building out cloud infrastructure, including tooling & processes for MLOps.

My current role involves being responsible for the bank’s ML platform, devveloping frameworks for contract-based ETL pipelines, ML batch inference, Data Science dev environments, CI/CD, model training pipelines and much more…

Prior to this I was a Research Data Scientist for a SaaS offering in the Sales Enablement space where I built NLP pipelines, voice feature engineering and content recommenders. As an experienced Python developer, I have mentored my teams to instill engineering quality and standardisation, especially in code quality with efforts in unit testing, abstraction layers, CI/CD.

With my MEng degree in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering I specialised in instrumentation and data acquisition systems. I have led a wide range of analytical projects across various industries including automotive, oil & gas and IT. I am passionate about automating complex processes and building novel machine learning solutions.

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Personal projects

Energy Forecasting

Built a serverless ML pipeline for timeseries forecasting + CI/CD.
Terraform AWS Lambda sktime mlflow dvc streamlit Docker pytest github-actions

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Smart Home ELT pipeline

Built an ELT pipeline to ingest smart home JSON data from Tado API, into Postgres.
airflow DockerOperator Postgres SQLAlchemy pytest JSON Makefile

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Used Car Values

Web scraped auto trader adverts and predicted valuation of my own car.
python pandas numpy requests BeautifulSoup4 matplotlib seaborn sklearn

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Job Description NLP

Interactive job ad classifier for data jobs. Web scraping and NLP.
requests BeautifulSoup4 pandas nltk spacy seaborn sklearn streamlit

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MOT data analysis

Analysed 30mil MOT tests from for trends in vehicle ownership, pass/fail rates etc.
sqlite pandas seaborn sklearn

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Lead MLOps Engineer
Sainsburys Bank - May/2023 to today
Led the ML-platform team (AWS, SageMaker, Terraform, CDK, Gitlab CI, Step Funcs, Lambda, CodePipeline). I led the MLOps strategy for the team, evaluating and deploying PoCs for Mlflow, Sagemaker Studio, FastAPI and Streamlit. Developed the bank's first NLP workflows including a topic modelling solution for analysing customer feedback. Built automated model evaluation pipelines. Established containerisation practises and standardised the team's python dev tooling (poetry, ruff, pre-commit, Gitlab CI, cookiecutter templating). Developed a self-service ETL framework for deploying pipelines using JSON contracts (Python, CDK and AWS Step Functions).
R&D Data Scientist
Bigtincan, Sales Enablement - Jan/2022 to Apr/2023
I primarily worked on NLP pipelines, text classification, online topic-modelling, embeddings, voice analytics. I built and deployed an interactive sales call analytics system using EC2, Docker & spaCy. With my engineering focus I established standardised MLOps tooling like Mlflow and DVC, managed a Prodigy annotation server and was responsible for data engineering and ingestion workflows.
Project Engineer
Doosan Babcock - May/2019 to Dec/2021
I served in a technical consultancy as the lead engineer and client-facing project manager for a €1.6 million test-engineering contract. I reported to both client and senior management and explained technical topics to a diverse audience. I used pandas to build a data extraction pipeline and automated visualisation and report generation, doubling documentation throughput. I established the team's Git version control and authored 20+ technical reports.
Technical Strategy Analyst
Jaguar Land Rover - Apr/2017 to Apr/2019
As an analyst, I presented competitor and market intelligence to Directors and built forecasts for early electric vehicle adoption. I proposed and developed a new EV fleet telematics data pipeline and created a regression model to predict EV battery failures, which helped the business to assess a potential warranty risk of over £10 million. I was also the lead engineer in a technology partnership that delivered a prototype robotic EV charger.
Vehicle Dynamics Engineer
Jaguar Land Rover - Sep/2015 to Mar/2017
I was responsible for conducting **objective** testing and subjective assessment, as well as developing data processing automation tooling and data validation tools using MATLAB. I also developed new vehicle assessment metrics and supported CAE-based tuning using a driving simulator.


Languages & Technologies Python SQL Docker Devcontainers AWS Sagemaker GCP Databricks Terraform Linux Git Bash Jupyter Matlab CI/CD
Python libraries sklearn tensorFlow pytorch mlflow dvc wandb airflow matplotlib plotly seaborn scipy pandas numpy sktime spaCy Prodigy nltk librosa dask pyspark transformers BERTopic pre-commit BeautifulSoup4